Rudolph – Refractometers


    Corner Preah Monivong Boulevard and Street 484
    Phnom Penh

    +855 87 887 883


Select a Refractometer for your demanding Laboratory application from the wide range of instruments available from Rudolph Research. Rudolph is a leading analytical laboratory instrument supplier, manufacturing precision quality benchtop instruments for the Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Petroleum, Petro-Chemical, Food, and Beverage industries. All our instruments are designed to meet specific application requirements of specific industries and all are designed to exceed your requirements. We offer a range of models and numerous configurations and are pleased to advise you as you make a purchase decision for your laboratory.

Available Models

The J47 was designed to meet the unique needs of a food and beverage testing where the samples are mostly a mixture of sugar and water and the refractometer is viewed more as a tool than a laboratory instrument. The J47’s single flat measurement surface, temperature correction and one button measurement capability make it perfect for heavy use applications.


Where High Accuracy is critical the J47HA Model Refractometer offers Accuracy of ±0.00003 RI and Brix Accuracy of ±0.03 with an RI Measurement range of 1.32-1.53 and Brix measurement range of 0-100


Where Measurement Range is most importance the J47WR Model Refractometer offers an RI Measurement range of 1.29-1.66 and Brix measurement range of 0-100 with Accuracy of ±0.0001 RI and Brix Accuracy of ±0.1

Key Features

  • Very fast measuring food and beverage industry refractometer (Refraktometer)
  • On-board temperature correction using the latest ICUMSA tables.
  • Simple to load, simple to measure, simple to clean
  • Result independent of operator judgement

The J57HA and J57WR are part of the Rudolph Research Refractometer Product Line. The Rudolph J57HA and J57WR refractometers are designed to meet the unique needs of food quality testing where the automatic refractometer is viewed as a quality control (QC) tool rather than a laboratory instrument. A single flat measurement surface, automatic electronic temperature control, and one button measurement capability make it perfect for heavy use food industry applications, where fast, automatic, and accurate Brix readings are required.

The Rudolph Research J57TPN refractometer is intended for use in hospital pharmacies and Compounding Labs to monitor the quality of parenteral nutrition mixtures, Intravenous therapy (IV), and ensure compliance with USP<797>. It is also useful in preventing the diversion of narcotics, and other controlled materials. The J57TPN pharmacy refractometer provides a fast, easy to use way to check on materials returned from the operation theatre or incorrectly issued from the pharmacy. The J57TPN shares many features with the entire Rudolph Research Refractometer Product Line.

The J57AB and J157AB are the Petroleum specific Refractometers in the Rudolph Research Refractometer Product Line. The Rudolph Research J57AB and J157AM refractometers have temperature control and WU measurement features needed for testing required in the petroleum industry.

The Rudolph J157 model of Refractometers offers high performance and a range of features to suit many demanding applications in laboratories and harsh industrial environments. Rudolph Research Analytical, working together with refractometer (Refraktometer) users from various countries and disciplines, has developed the J157 series of Digital Refractometers. The Rudolph J157 bench-top line combines the features, measurement range, and accuracy that meet the most demanding applications both in and out of the laboratory and shares many features with the Rudolph Research Refractometer Product Line.

The Rudolph Research J257 Wide Range Refractometer was developed by working together with laboratory refractometer users from the polymer, petroleum, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and essential oil industries. The J257 is a fully Automatic, Digital Refractometer, featuring electronic cooling and heating with an extended Refractive Index (RI) measurement range. The J257 is part of the Rudolph Research Rudolph Research Refractometer Product Line.

Rudolph Research’s J257 is designed as a multipurpose automatic refractometer for a broad range of (RI) refractive index measurement applications. Many laboratories need the versatility of a wide range refractometer as they measure many varied samples. The J257 measures the widest possible range of Refractive Index from 1.26 to 1.72 RI, which means that this instrument can measure many materials that a refractometer with only a food refractive index range of 1.33-1.53 cannot.

Designed as a research quality instrument the Rudolph J357 Automatic Digital Refractometer offers one of the highest measurement ranges of any instrument in the Rudolph refractometer product line. This instrument offers the same extra wide RI measurement range as our chemical industry refractometer models combined with the high accuracy of our food industry refractometer models. It also offers very powerful automatic electronic temperature control (heating and cooling) and is able to make RI and BRIX measurements at up to 100 °C. The J357 is a perfect choice for the most demanding pharmaceutical, chemical, petroleum, essential oils, fragrance and cosmetic refractometer users.

The J457 Electronic, Laboratory Refractometer is the most capable instrument in the Rudolph Research Refractometer Product Line. 3 models/configurations are available. All come with Rudolph’s exclusive Smart Measure™ Technology that virtually insures accurate Refractive Index (RI) and BRIX, measurements by automatically detecting sample problems. The J457 can determine when the prism is improperly cleaned, insufficient sample is loaded, or if the instrument is improperly calibrated. Various configurations are available for a small footprint, wall mount, or a remote-read factory configuration. All models come with a digital touch screen, and our Dual Temperature Control System utilizing Peltier Technology.

Key Features


  • Easy to clean, shallow sample well – a clean sample well is imperative to accurate measurements.
  • Durable sapphire prisms with long-life light sources – low life of instrument cost.
  • 3 Year domestic warranty, up to 3 international warranty
  • Sales and local service located near your lab anywhere in the world.
  • Decades of leading analytical instrument design and support.

Rudolph Research Refractometer Selection Guide


Rudolph Research Analytical

Rudolph Research Analytical manufactures automatic, digital, bench-top Refractometers, Polarimeters, Saccharimeters, and Density Meters for a wide variety of industries. With over 5,000 laboratory instruments installed in demanding applications worldwide and thousands still in use that were manufactured in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, Rudolph has established itself as a premier vendor well known for its quality, reliability, and is NVLAP certified. Rudolph has also consistently set the pace for innovative design and features that bring new and important functionality to its market leading line of refractometers.

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