Showing all 19 results

  • Foss – Alphatec FNo

    Alphatec FNo gives grain receivers and flour millers a safe and modern way of performing the standard falling number test that is used to check sprouting damage in grain and enzyme activity in flour prior to baking, m...

    Alphatec FNo gives grain receivers and flour millers a safe and modern way of performing the standard falling number test that is used to check sprouting damage in grain and enzyme activity in flour prior to baking, malting, etc.

    A safe way to test sprout damage and enzyme activity

    Innovative safety features help to avoid potential injury and reduce the risk of burns. A cooling lid minimizes the rush of steam when loading samples, an insulated sample bath prevents contact with hot surfaces, while an overflow direct into waste also stops hot water spillage.

    User-friendly falling number analysis

    Get full control and reduce training costs with a modern, easy-to-use touch screen allowing rapid, error-free analysis. Other smart usability features are built into the practical design such as the detachable rack and rear connectors.

    A new way to meet industry-standard methods measure falling numbers according to industry-standard methods.

    As part of the extensive FOSS grain portfolio, the Alphatec FNO offers a modern alternative to existing solutions backed by a unique level of customer support for smooth and uninterrupted analytical operations.


    A modern and safe way to conduct falling number analysis and meet industry standard methods.

    Sample type

    Grains and flour.


    Falling number.

  • Foss – BacSomatic™

    BacSomaticTM provides rapid hygiene testing of milk. BacSomatic is the first-ever integrated bacteria and somatic cell tester and offers full automation for minimal reagent handling and consistent test results.

    BacSomaticTM provides rapid hygiene testing of milk. BacSomatic is the first-ever integrated bacteria and somatic cell tester and offers full automation for minimal reagent handling and consistent test results.

    Integrated bacteria and somatic cell tester

    Automatic and fast alternative to manual assay, providing instant, simultaneous results for individual bacteria and somatic cell count within 9.5 minutes and 1.5 minutes for somatic cell count alone.

    More accurate than alternative methods

    A fully automated procedure avoids the risk of human error and inconsistency, while ready-to-use reagents in an enclosed bag system, ensure the exact same dosage for every measurement. A sensor in the reagent bag indicates the number of available tests remaining. The unique reagent concept includes control samples for quality assurance and GLP. Online remote monitoring ensures consistent performance and high uptime.

    Simple and flexible to use

    Built on a long heritage of Foss analytical technology and backed by global Foss support, BacSomatic combines robust performance with a modern interface. Very easyto-use with intuitive touch-screen operation for smarter money-saving decisions on how to use milk.

    Sample types

    Raw cow’s milk and buffalo milk


    Individual Bacteria Count (IBC) Somatic Cell Count (SCC)


    Flow cytometry technology, counting individual bacteria cells and somatic cells. The IBC results can be converted to CFU results. BacSomatic software includes an easy and rapid tool to develop a robust conversion table between IBC and CFU.


    EURL/Microval FDA/NCIMS In compliance with ISO/IDF standards

  • Foss – CombiFoss™ 7

    CombiFoss™ 7 provides raw milk testing for 19 parameters in 6 seconds, including somatic cell count (SCC) and differential SCC. Seamless integration of MilkoScan™ 7 RM (FTIR) and Fossomatic™ 7 (flow cytometry) in one analy...

    CombiFoss™ 7 provides raw milk testing for 19 parameters in 6 seconds, including somatic cell count (SCC) and differential SCC. Seamless integration of MilkoScan™ 7 RM (FTIR) and Fossomatic™ 7 (flow cytometry) in one analysis unit.


    Testing an unparalleled 19 parameters in just six seconds, the CombiFoss™ 7 provides a unique platform on which to base your milk-testing business.

    Sample type

    Raw milk (cow, goat, sheep, buffalo).


    Fat, protein (true and crude), casein, lactose, solids (SnF and TS), urea, citric acid, fatty acid profiling, Free Fatty Acids (FFA), freezing point depression, pH, ketosis screening (BHB and acetone), untargeted raw milk screening (adulteration), total somatic cell count (SCC) and differential somatic cell count (DSCC).

  • FOSS – Dairy Powder Analyzer – NIRS™ DS2500

    The NIRS™ DS2500 Dairy Powder Analyser helps you to improve yield in your dairy powder production. Designed for use in the laboratory or at the production line, the NIRS™ DS2500 is a practical quality control tool ideal for ...

    The NIRS™ DS2500 Dairy Powder Analyser helps you to improve yield in your dairy powder production. Designed for use in the laboratory or at the production line, the NIRS™ DS2500 is a practical quality control tool ideal for routine production control and monitoring of final product quality.


    Routine production control. Monitoring of final product quality. More yield with reduced energy.

    Sample type

    Dairy powders and ice-cream mix.


    Fat, protein, moisture, ash, lactose, acidity and more.

  • Foss – Digestor™ 2508 and 2520

    Free up time for other tasks with fully automated digestion. Convenient, safe and flexible operation backed by data and application logging.

    2501 Scrubber Unit

    Free up time for other tasks with fully automated digestion. Convenient, safe and flexible operation backed by data and application logging.

    2501 Scrubber Unit

    For Kjeldahl digestions the 2501 Scrubber Unit should always be considered for safe and efficient neutralisation of corrosive gases. This replaces the water aspirator, supplied as standard.

    Exhaust manifolds

    All models are delivered with a tube rack with integrated heat shields. They should always be combined with a matching exhaust manifold designed for each Digestion Unit facilitating fume removal, or reflux head and test tubes – 100 ml, 250 ml or 400 ml volume.


    Auto systems have memory for up to 127 FOSS Applications and 127 User Applications. There are currently more than 80 FOSS applications in the CD Library supplied.

  • Foss – DT 208 & 220 Digestor™

    Full integration with Kjeltec systems for efficient and cost effective operations. Accessories that reduce handling hazards with minimum bench space.

    SR 210 Scrubber Unit

    Full integration with Kjeltec systems for efficient and cost effective operations. Accessories that reduce handling hazards with minimum bench space.

    SR 210 Scrubber Unit

    For Kjeldahl digestions the SR 210 Scrubber Unit should always be considered for safe and efficient neutralisation of corrosive gases. This replaces the water aspirator, supplied as standard.

    Exhaust manifolds

    All models are delivered with a tube rack with integrated heat shields. They should always be combined with a matching exhaust manifold designed for each Digestion Unit facilitating fume removal, or reflux head and test tubes – 100 ml, 250 ml or 400 ml volume.

  • Foss – Dumatec™ 8000

    Automated Dumas analysis for quality control in food and feed laboratories. Full control of your data with remote surveillance option.

    Sample type

    Food and ani...

    Automated Dumas analysis for quality control in food and feed laboratories. Full control of your data with remote surveillance option.

    Sample type

    Food and animal feed, liquid, paste and solid Samples




    Dumas method – quick combustion of a sample in a pure oxygen atmosphere and analysis of all resulting nitrogen. Helium is used as carrier gas.

  • FOSS – Fat Analyzer

    ST 243 Soxtec™

    Safe operations with spark proof hot plate. Save time with batch handling tools. Compatible with the SoxCap hydrolysis solution for total fat analysis.


    ST 243 Soxtec™

    Safe operations with spark proof hot plate. Save time with batch handling tools. Compatible with the SoxCap hydrolysis solution for total fat analysis.

    ST 255 Soxtec™

    Semi automated, flexible extraction system suitable for a wide range of applications in the food, feed, environmental and other industrial segments.

    Soxtec™ 8000

    The Soxtec™ 8000 extraction unit is a fully automated system for fast and safe extraction of soluble matter from a wide range of matrices. It performs the four extraction steps boiling, rinsing, solvent recovery and auto-shut down, fully unattended. Just load, start and walk away.

  • FOSS – Feed Analyser – NIRS™ DA1650

    Use the NIRS™ DA1650 feed analyser for routine quality control of raw materials and final products to improve efficiency and economy.


    Save time and money in your daily ev...

    Use the NIRS™ DA1650 feed analyser for routine quality control of raw materials and final products to improve efficiency and economy.


    Save time and money in your daily evaluation of raw materials and forages. Produce closer to specification and ensure consistent final product quality.

    Sample type

    Grains/cereals, vegetal protein meals, animal by-product/rendering, forages, oils and fat, compound feed, feed concentrate, base mix, kibble, feces and vegetal by-products.


    FOSS provides calibrations for dry matter, ash, crude fibre, crude protein, starch and fat. Only for forages: NDF, ADF.

  • FOSS – Fiber Analyzer – The Fibertec™ series

    Fibertec™ 8000

    Fibertec™ 8000 has the lowest operator time of any fibre analysis system. Crude and detergent fibre according to the standard reference method.

    FT 122 Fibertec™

    Fibertec™ 8000

    Fibertec™ 8000 has the lowest operator time of any fibre analysis system. Crude and detergent fibre according to the standard reference method.

    FT 122 Fibertec™

    The FT 122 Fibertec™ is a manual fibre determination system for simple determination of crude fibre, detergent fibre and more, according to standard reference crucible methods such as Weende, van Soest etc.

    Sample type

    Feed, feed ingredients, forage, pet food, grain, cereal and oil seeds.


    Crude Fibre (CF), Neutral Detergent Fibre (NDF), Acid Detergent Fibre (ADF) and Acid Detergent Lignin (ADL).

  • Foss – Fibertec™ 8000

    The first fully automated fiber analysis solution following official reference methods. Lowest operator time of any fibre analysis solution. Official reference method results with unrivalled accuracy (ISO, AOAC). Safest fibre an...

    The first fully automated fiber analysis solution following official reference methods. Lowest operator time of any fibre analysis solution. Official reference method results with unrivalled accuracy (ISO, AOAC). Safest fibre analysis solution available.

    Fibertec™ 8000 is a fully automated system for determination of crude fibre, detergent fibre and related parameters according to standard reference ‘crucible’ methods such as Weende, van Soest etc.

    The lowest operator time of any fibre solution

    Unattended measurement of up to six samples releases staff to do other things. On board heating and automatic dispensing of all reagents, antifoam and rinsing with water saves time and prevents the risk of human error.

    Official reference method results with unrivalled accuracy

    No sample transfer or risk of error as sample residue remains in the crucible throughout the procedure. Discrete analysis of each sample according to official methods ensures reliable reference results, while consistent heating rate and time to boiling ensures repeatability.

    Safest fibre analysis solution available

    Ensure safety with automatic functions such as dispensing of reagents to prevent contact with chemicals and fumes, heat reduction at boiling point to prevent spillage and addition of enzymes and anti-foam when required.

  • FOSS – Flour Analyzer – NIRS™ DS2500

    The NIRS™ DS2500 analyser helps millers to boost yield by offering unsurpassed, rapid analysis of ash in addition to reliable flour analysis for protein and moisture. Robustness coupled with groundbreaking performance in near ...

    The NIRS™ DS2500 analyser helps millers to boost yield by offering unsurpassed, rapid analysis of ash in addition to reliable flour analysis for protein and moisture. Robustness coupled with groundbreaking performance in near infrared (NIR) guarantees uniquely accurate measurements by anyone, anywhere, at anytime.


    Unsurpassed accuracy for ash analysis. Ready to use calibrations for all key parameters. Robust and proven technology ensures reliable results.

    Sample Type

    Flour and grains.


    Ash, protein, moisture, wet gluten, water absorption and many more.

  • Foss – Grain & Oilseed Analyzer – ProFoss™ Range

    Real-time, accurate production monitoring for animal feed using in-line feed analysis directly in the process line. It is robust enough to withstand tough production environments and gives instant results for optimized productio...

    Real-time, accurate production monitoring for animal feed using in-line feed analysis directly in the process line. It is robust enough to withstand tough production environments and gives instant results for optimized production and profitability.

  • Foss – Grain Analyzer – Infratec™

    Solid, straightforward and reliable. Infratec™ draws on the latest advances in NIR technology, connectivity and usability. It makes the job of quality control easier and less time-consuming as a reliable cornerstone for any gr...

    Solid, straightforward and reliable. Infratec™ draws on the latest advances in NIR technology, connectivity and usability. It makes the job of quality control easier and less time-consuming as a reliable cornerstone for any grain handling operation.

    Since the Infratec™ was introduced in 1987 it quickly became the benchmark for grain analysis trusted to facilitate billions of dollars worth of fair grain trade every year.



    Makes your job easier with enhanced usability. Built on advanced NIR technology for the most trustworthy results. Improves uptime with digital connectivity and support package.

    Sample type

    Barley, wheat, corn and other cereals, oilseeds, beans and pulses.


    Moisture, protein, oil, test weight, starch, wet gluten, fiber, ash and many more.

  • Foss – Hydrotec™ 8000

    Fully automated acid hydrolysis system. Patented HydroCap™ – single use filter system. Reduced foot print and batch handling of 12 samples.

    The HydrotecTM 8000 total fat solution, consisting of an e...

    Fully automated acid hydrolysis system. Patented HydroCap™ – single use filter system. Reduced foot print and batch handling of 12 samples.

    The HydrotecTM 8000 total fat solution, consisting of an extraction unit, a hydrolysis unit and a FOSS Hydrocap single filter system, allows you to perform total fat analysis in one integrated procedure.

    Unique patented filter system

    The unique, patented HydrocapTM filter avoids sample transfer and reduces the risk of human error. Laboratory costs are dramatically reduced and higher sample throughput improves cost effectiveness.

    Improving throughput at a lower cost

    Simplified operation reduces the potential for human error in total fat analysis while reducing costs and improving overall sample throughput.

    Reducing risk in total fat analysis

    Chemicals are added and removed by pump, improving safety and reducing the risk of error. For total fat analysis, Hydrotec 8000 can be used together with a Soxtec 8000 or ST255 Soxtec extraction unit and FOSS HydroCap single filter that works across both units.

  • Foss – MilkoScan

    The MilkoScan™ FT3

    Offers a new and intelligent approach to analysis of dairy and plant-based drinks including the power to test a wide variety of liquid and semi-solid products with...

    The MilkoScan™ FT3

    Offers a new and intelligent approach to analysis of dairy and plant-based drinks including the power to test a wide variety of liquid and semi-solid products with exceptional uptime and unprecedented consistency of results.

    The MilkoScan™ 7 RM

    A high capacity, fully automatic solution for milk composition analysis for payment and dairy herd improvement. Fast, reliable and accurate raw milk composition analysis of 17 parameters in 6 seconds. MilkoScan™ 7 RM is available as a part of CombiFoss™ 7.

  • FOSS – Oilseed Crush Analyzer – NIRS™ DA1650

    Take control of your oilseed crushing process with reliable measurements for whole grains, press cake and meals. Accurate and robust oilseed analysis for use in the lab or production to gain vital data at different stages of the...

    Take control of your oilseed crushing process with reliable measurements for whole grains, press cake and meals. Accurate and robust oilseed analysis for use in the lab or production to gain vital data at different stages of the process.


    Quick and reliable results both in the laboratory and production. Robust and simple to use by anyone. Versatile sample presentation.

    Sample Type

    Soybeans, rapeseed/canola, sunflower and more.


    Moisture, protein and oil.

  • FOSS – Protein Analyzer

    KT 200 Kjeltec™

    The KT 200 Kjeltec™ Distillation unit provides a simple and reliable solution for safe and semi-automatic distillation for protein determination. The possibility to ...

    KT 200 Kjeltec™

    The KT 200 Kjeltec™ Distillation unit provides a simple and reliable solution for safe and semi-automatic distillation for protein determination. The possibility to pre-program alkali addition and distillation time supports the production of accurate results independent of operator.


    The highly versatile Kjeldahl distillation unit uses the global reference method for automated/semi-automated protein analysis with the highest safety standards for use in any laboratory.

  • Foss – The Mill Collection

    The FOSS Mill Collection consists of four models: the CM 290 Cemotec™, CT 293 Cyclotec™, KN 295 Knifetec™ and Hammertec™ for flexible and safe sample preparation.


    The FOSS Mill Collection consists of four models: the CM 290 Cemotec™, CT 293 Cyclotec™, KN 295 Knifetec™ and Hammertec™ for flexible and safe sample preparation.


    Handle a wide variety of feeds, grains, leaves for NIR or reference analysis with speed and precision. Excellent when fineness and uniformity of particle size is essential.

    Sample type

    Dry samples up to 15% moisture and 10% fat.


    Sample preparation.