Showing all 6 results

  • Rudolph – Automation – Autoflex R837

    A Flexible Automated Laboratory Sample Handling System For Labs

    Total Flexibility for high throughput labs measuring Density, Specific Gravity, Refractive Index, Color, and pH utilizing the R837 Automated Laboratory Sam...

    A Flexible Automated Laboratory Sample Handling System For Labs

    Total Flexibility for high throughput labs measuring Density, Specific Gravity, Refractive Index, Color, and pH utilizing the R837 Automated Laboratory Sample Handling System.

  • Rudolph – Density Meters

    Density Meters for Chemical, Petroleum, Pharmaceutical, Petro-Chemical, and Beverage Labs The Rudolph Density Meter product lines are ideal for both research and production work across many industries including Chemical, Petroleum, Pharmaceutical,...

    Density Meters for Chemical, Petroleum, Pharmaceutical, Petro-Chemical, and Beverage Labs The Rudolph Density Meter product lines are ideal for both research and production work across many industries including Chemical, Petroleum, Pharmaceutical, Petro-Chemical, and Beverage. Having great experience serving these markets for decades Rudolph has incorporated the features you need for both production and research applications.

  • Rudolph – Polarimeters – Autopol Series

    Polarimeter models from Rudolph Research for chemical, sugar, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, essential oils, education, and university laboratories.

    Polarimeter models from Rudolph Research for chemical, sugar, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, essential oils, education, and university laboratories.

  • Rudolph – Refractometer – J357

    Designed as a research quality instrument the Rudolph J357 Automatic Digital Refractometer offers one of the highest measurement ranges of any instrument in the Rudolph refractometer product line. This instrument offers the same extra wide RI meas...

    Designed as a research quality instrument the Rudolph J357 Automatic Digital Refractometer offers one of the highest measurement ranges of any instrument in the Rudolph refractometer product line. This instrument offers the same extra wide RI measurement range as our chemical industry refractometer models combined with the high accuracy of our food industry refractometer models. It also offers very powerful automatic electronic temperature control (heating and cooling) and is able to make RI and BRIX measurements at up to 100 °C. The J357 is a perfect choice for the most demanding pharmaceutical, chemical, petroleum, essential oils, fragrance and cosmetic refractometer users.

  • Rudolph – Refractometers

    Select a Refractometer for your demanding Laboratory application from the wide range of instruments available from Rudolph Research. Rudolph is a leading analytical laboratory instrument supplier, manufacturing precision quality benchtop instrumen...

    Select a Refractometer for your demanding Laboratory application from the wide range of instruments available from Rudolph Research. Rudolph is a leading analytical laboratory instrument supplier, manufacturing precision quality benchtop instruments for the Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Petroleum, Petro-Chemical, Food, and Beverage industries. All our instruments are designed to meet specific application requirements of specific industries and all are designed to exceed your requirements. We offer a range of models and numerous configurations and are pleased to advise you as you make a purchase decision for your laboratory.

  • Rudolph – Saccharimeters – Autopol Series

    Saccharimeters – 4 models to meet your application requirements The AUTOPOL® 589, 880, 880 Plus, and 880T Automatic Digital Saccharimeters provide 0.01°Z repeatability and accuracy, time proven measurement technology and the critical features ...

    Saccharimeters – 4 models to meet your application requirements The AUTOPOL® 589, 880, 880 Plus, and 880T Automatic Digital Saccharimeters provide 0.01°Z repeatability and accuracy, time proven measurement technology and the critical features necessary for today’s sugar analysis.