Salt-Grilled Saury Cooked by Dr. Fry
Dr. Fry is the 21st century fryer you are looking for, by using unique physical water molecule control technology, you can fry, bake or steam within only installing 4 components on your current fryer.
Key Features
Dr. Fry
- Improvement of the taste
The Evertron waves make the food tastier and stay crispy and juicy for longer without changing ingredients, oils, texture, flavor or the chef who cook the dishes.
- Calorie cut
Dr. Fry serves healthier and lower calorie deep fried food by reducing the amount of oil absorption by up to 50% in average.
- Multifunction
You can fried desserts and seafood together at one time, saving the cost and space of purchasing another fryer tank. Frying ingredients simultaneously becomes possible.
- Speed up frying time
Frying time decreased by 15 to 30% compared to the traditional frying method.
- Keep your kitchen clean while cooking
Successfully reduced oil odor by 70%. Oil mist is also drastically reduced. Keep the kitchen clean and comfortable.
- Cook safer
Suppressing the occurrence of occupational accidents such as duct fire due to sharp reduction of oil mist, burns due to oil sprays. In addition, it can be safely used with a household power supply (AC 100 V).
- Reduce cost
Successfully prolonged the life of oil by 30% on average. Even if the quality of oil is lowered, the taste reduction is minimized. Even if it turns into black oil, it maintains the same deep-fried strength as new oil.
4 Components Brings the Evolution of Deep Frying
“Dr. Fry” is made up of extremely simple parts. Many of you who first saw “Dr. Fry” are surprised, “Is that all really?” “Is it such small?” But that is the greatest tribute to our development team. Because we are trying hard to maximize effect with minimum parts. Experience the power of the big technology that this small device can demonstrate.

Salt-Grilled Saury Cooked by Dr. Fry
Evertron has a vision of a world without waste or hunger. Through our electronic wave technology, we are able to controle the molecular structure of water. This allows us to keep food, flowers and all other products that contain water fresh for longer, without adding any harmful substances. As a result, we save energy and drastically reduce waste.
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