Koehler – Corrosion Tester – Lead Corrosion Apparatus
Constant temperature apparatus rotates copper and lead test panels in lubricant samples to determine corrosiveness to lead per FTM specifications. Panels are rotated at 600rpm in samples maintained at 163°C (325°F) and aerated at 0.94L/min. (2.0 Cu. ft./hr.). Test panel shafts ride on ball bearing spindles driven by a 1⁄15hp motor. A counterbalanced support bar positions the drive shaft for testing or for mounting and removal of test panels. When the support bar is raised, a safety microswitch automatically stops the drive motor to prevent splashing of hot oil. Fully insulated bath features double-wall stainless steel construction, with a built-in support rack to suspend test cells vertically at the proper depth. Microprocessor PID control provides quick temperature stabilization without overshoot, and the bath is protected by an overtemperature control circuit that interrupts power should bath temperature exceed a programmed cut-off point. Dual LED displays provide actual and setpoint temperature values in °C/°F format. Communications software (RS232, etc.), ramp-to-set and other enhanced features are available as extra cost options. Contact your Koehler representative for information. A 1⁄20hp stirrer thoroughly circulates the bath medium for temperature uniformity. Redundant overtemperature protection is provided by a built-in backup thermostat. Flowmeters and valves mounted on a convenient manifold provide individual air flow control for each test cell.
Technical Specifications
Conforms to the Specifications of | FTM 791-5321 |
Testing Capacity | 6 lubricant samples |
Maximum Temperature | 199°C (390°F) |
Temperature Control Stability | ±0.05°C (±0.1°F) |
Air Flow Control | 0.94±0.047L/min. (2±0.1 Cu. ft./hr) six (6) flowmeters mounted on a common manifold |
Key Features
- Conforms to FTM 791-5321 specifications
- Six-sample capacity
- Microprocessor programmable high accuracy temperature control
Key Industries
- Chemical
- Education & Academics
- Environmental
- Oil & Gas
Providing quality testing instrumentation and technical support services for research and testing laboratories has been our specialty since 1925. Meeting your testing needs is the primary focus of our business, which is why Koehler Instrument Company is a leading producer and supplier of petroleum, synfuels and petrochemical instrumentation worldwide. At Koehler, we pride ourselves in innovation. In a time of continuous technological advancement and transition we are constantly implementing new and improved ways to surpass the needs of an ever-evolving industry. Koehler products are backed by our staff of technically knowledgeable, trained specialists who are experienced in both petroleum products testing and instrument service, which is carried out either on site or at a Koehler service center.
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