Neogen – Hygiene Monitoring and Management
DKSH Laos Company Ltd.
3rd Floor, Vientiane Center Office Building Khouvieng Road, Sisattanak District, Vientiane Capital
Laos+856 21 221 023
+856 21 453 555
DKSH Singapore Pte Ltd
625 Lorong 4 Toa Payoh, #03-00 319519 Singapore
Singapore+65 6962 3121
+65 6273 1503
Neogen Clean-Trace Brochure
See beyond the surface with the Neogen™ Clean-Trace™ Hygiene Monitoring and Management System
When it comes to food safety, you’ve got a lot on the line. Using hygiene monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of your cleaning procedures is a critical aspect of an environmental monitoring program, which can help ensure the sanitary condition of your food and beverage manufacturing environment. Keep things moving with the Neogen™ Clean-Trace™ Hygiene Monitoring and Management System, now reengineered for improved stability and consistency. It’s a complete system that helps you optimize productivity, quickly prepare for audits and adhere to HACCP and FSMA rules.
Available Models

System includes the Neogen™ Clean-Trace™ Luminometer and Neogen™ Clean-Trace™ Hygiene Monitoring and Management Software to help you monitor testing results over time.
The newly redesigned Neogen Clean-Trace Luminometer features improved ease of use, faster time to result and simple, onehanded operation. Its ergonomic design makes testing simple, minimizing training time and costs. And with a higher degree of repeatability and lower variability, you’ll get accurate results you can count on.
The Neogen™ Clean-Trace™ Hygiene Management Software saves your time searching for reports. It features a redesigned dashboard for a quick and easy way to create, store and retrieve reports, Neogen Clean-Trace Hygiene Management Software turns data into information, helping you identify root causes and take action quickly. Now even easier to use and more intuitive with convenient wireless and networking capabilities. Put your data to work identifying workplace trends, optimizing productivity and adding value to the process.
- New, lightweight luminometer design with user-friendly touchscreen and one-handed operation
- Immediate ATP residue results for preparation, production, filling and packaging.
- High sensitivity and repeatability
- Intuitive, user-friendly software with redesigned dashboard helps you collect, store and retrieve test results for reports.
Neogen™ Clean-Trace™ Surface Protein (Allergen) Test Swab ALLTEC60 is a rapid, simple, and reliable solution to monitor the presence of allergens on surfaces to effectively manage cleaning.
It is a fast and easy way to check whether cleaning has been carried out to a satisfactory standard by means of protein detection. The Neogen™ Clean-Trace™ Surface Protein (Allergen) Test Swab uses the Neogen™ Digital Heating Block V120 to produce an accurate reading in 15 minutes or less. By comparing the color of the swab and solution against the label, the user can easily interpret the results for the presence of allergens. Neogen™ Clean-Trace™ Surface Protein (Allergen) Test Swab ALLTEC60 is validated for a range of allergenic proteins, including egg, milk, gluten, soy, peanut, almond and buckwheat.
With the unique swab-click-read format and easy-to-read color change technology, this simple method of checking for removal of protein residues after cleaning is very easy to use and implement in a busy production environment. The results are semi-quantitative with four possible color interpretations. The faster the test turns purple and the stronger the color change the higher the level of contamination on a surface.
- Detects as little as 3 µg of protein on surfaces and in hard to reach areas.
- Provides a tool to help assess and improve hygienic performance.
- Visual reading of a color change indicates the level of cleanliness.
- Real time results allow immediate corrective action.
- Validated for a range of allergenic proteins, including egg, milk, gluten, soy, peanut, almond and buckwheat.

Single-use test device that contains a swab for the collection of a sample from a surface. The swab is pre-moistened to aid in sample collection and processing.
Upon activation of the test, the chemical reacts with the sample collected on the swab to produce light. The amount of the light produced is proportional to the degree of potential contamination. Measurement of the light requires the use of a Neogen™ Clean-Trace™ NG Luminometer and the results are displayed in Relative Light Units (RLU). The higher the RLU number, the more contaminated the sample.
Monitoring the effectiveness of cleaning helps reduce the risk of a food safety incident. With Neogen Clean-Trace Surface ATP UXL100, monitoring for contamination is simple with real-time results. Quick detection and confirmation allow immediate corrective action to take place. This product can be used with minimal training and is easily integrated into company HACCP programs to monitor for cleaning effectiveness. Additionally, it’s easy to use and provides consistent, reliable results.
- Tests for the presence of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to verify cleaning effectiveness.
- Easy to use, simple to learn.
- Pre-moistened to aid sample collection.
- Provides a tool to help assess and improve hygienic performance and reduce risk.

Neogen™ Clean-Trace™ Water Plus – Total ATP AQT200 is designed to rapidly assess equipment sanitation processes and the efficiency of Clean in Place (CIP) procedures.
It accurately detects organic contamination from microbial or product residues using ATP detection technology. The test gives an objective indication of cleanliness in water samples in seconds and is designed for use with the Neogen™ Clean-Trace™ NG Luminometer.
The device tip contains sample collection rings that are coated with a unique agent to aid in the efficient collection and processing of a sample. Once the test is activated, the results are measured in the Neogen Clean-Trace NG Luminometer and provided in Relative Light Units (RLU). By working in real time, food and beverage producers can test rinse waters after each CIP cycle and re-clean immediately if ‘fail’ results are obtained.
- Simple to use and ideal for busy production environments.
- Rapid results allow immediate corrective action.
- Provides an objective indication of cleanliness in water samples in seconds.
- Assesses equipment sanitation processes and the efficiency of Clean in Place (CIP) procedures.
- Flexibility to store the product at room temperature for up to 2 months or refrigerated for up to 12 months.

Neogen™ Clean-Trace™ Surface Protein Plus Test Swab PRO100 is a simple, quick, and reliable method of checking for the removal of protein residues after cleaning and quickly identifies contamination.
This sensitive tool detects as little as 50µg of protein on surfaces. A quick, easy visual reading of a color change indicates the presence of detectable levels of protein and the fast results allow immediate corrective action.
The Neogen™ Clean-Trace™ Surface Protein Plus Test Swab PRO100 can be integrated into any Hygiene Management Program where risk areas can be effectively monitored for cleaning effectiveness. As an additional benefit, it can help to reduce the risk of biological contamination, where food residues on surfaces could potentially provide nutrients for spoilage or pathogenic bacteria to thrive. This easy-to-use device requires minimal training.
- Helps to reduce the risk of a food safety incident.
- Detects as little as 50µg of protein on surfaces and in solution.
- Tests for the presence of proteins to verify effectiveness of cleaning.
- Visual reading of a color change indicates the presence of detectable levels of protein.
- Fast results allow immediate corrective action.
Key Industries
- Cosmetics & Personal Care
- Education & Academics
- Food & Beverage
- Medical
- Pharmaceutical
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